Healy Microcurrent Programs

The Wearable for Holistic Health, Wellbeing and Vitality

Healy Word Member Logo

Ki Hun Lee, DOMP, RMT  5276-5684-8654

Book an appointment online  or give us a call at 647-388-7435 if you like to have a Healy Session with us.

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*Save 30% on the Healy Resonance Edition(saving $614.27 cad) and get a 50% off on the Healy Coil(saving $151.97) – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

*Save 50% on the Healy Resonance Plus(saving $1,708.6) and get a 50% off on the   Healy Coil(saving $151.97) – September 2 ~ 18, 2024

*Enjoy 35% off on Healy Professional(saving $1911.45) and get the Healy Coil & Personal Growth Database for FREE(saving $713.04) for FREE – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

*Get a 50% off on Meridian Module(saving $722.64) – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

*Get a 50% off on the Natural Cycle(saving $204.81) – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

*Get a 50% off on the Animal Module(saving $245.78) – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

*Enjoy 40% off on MagHealy Classic(saving $655.4) and get 3 months of the McMakin Application for FREE(saving $89.84) – September 2 ~ 18, 2024

*Subscribe to the Leader Bundle Subscribe to the Leader Bundle and receive access to an exclusive not yet released Business Suite – Business Program Module for MagHealy.         – September 2 ~ 30, 2024

* Get more with the Healy Obsidian Edition! Purchase the Healy Obisidian Edition and receive the Natual Cycle, Soul Cycle, Personal Growth Database and Animal Module as complimentary gifts!  – September 2 ~ 30, 2024


Healy Microcurrent Device Frequency Program Groups

You can add Healy Microcurrent Device programs to your Healy as little as $19 per month. Review the programs below and decide which one(s) you like to  add on to your Healy.


Soul Cycle

$ 362.50 plus tax 

Every human being has their own unique spectrum of frequencies, and every negative influence leaves a disharmony in this frequency spectrum. The Soul Cycle and its 12 Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs, developed by expert and certified healing practitioner Martina Kondritz, are designed to support you in re-harmonizing these negative frequencies, finding inner peace, and unleashing your full potential.

List of Soul Cycle programs

  1. Acceptance
    Energetic harmonization of the ability to accept
    ourselves the way we are
  2. Self-Confidence
    Inner centering of the energetic field
  3. Confidence
    Energetic stimulation of the inner connection to yourself
  4. Serenity
    Stimulating the inner balance of the energetic field
  5. Inner Balance
    Energetic stimulation of the inner unity
  6. Happy
    Positive alignment of the energetic field
  7. Emotions
    Energetic support for processing emotions
  8. Burden
    Energetic support for releasing
  9. Aura Pure
    Purifying the energetic field
  10. Stimulation
    Stimulating energetic regeneration
  11. Power Reserve
    Stimulating the Bioenergetic Field
  12. Energy Balance
    Balancing the energy centers

Discount / Subscription Info
Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop..

The Power of Three

$ 384.50 plus tax

The Power of Three is a set of the Healy IMF program groups Bioenergetic Rebalance, Universal Frequencies and Digital Ayurveda, each containing three programs.

It is based on the ancient system of three natural energetic forces expressed in the bioenergies of Ayurveda.

Bioenergetic Rebalance
For use in especially difficult energetic times!
Contains the programs:

  1. Conflict Balance Conflicts can cause emotional, mental and physical stress. In our experience, not only the bioenergetic, but
    also the physical field can react to stressors by hidden and permanent conflicting processes. This program is designed to harmonize these conflicts on different levels.
  2. Defense Support
    According to our experience, conflicts and external stressors activate our bioenergetic defense system and may cause it to get out of balance, overreact or be weakened. Harmonization
    can rebalance the Bioenergetic Field to find the appropriate response to
    external challenges and change.
  3. Friendly Flora
    According to our experience, the Bioenergetic
    Field consists of the fields of the organism and the
    Bioenergetic Field of all its microorganisms. We believe that a synergistic energetic relationship between these fields is the basis for bioenergetic harmony and wellbeing. Additionally, this program is designed to support emotional and mental balance.
  4. Rebalance
    In our experience, physical events can cause severe imbalances to the Bioenergetic Field. This program is designed specifically to harmonize those imbalances.


Universal Frequencies
The classical frequencies as developed by the great frequency pioneers, complemented and enhanced by Healy IMF (Individualized Microcurrent Frequency) frequencies!
Contains the programs:

  1. Classical Physical
    Classical basic frequencies combined with Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF)
  2. Classical Energetic
    Additional classical frequencies combined with Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF)
  3.  Zapper Protocol
    The classic 7-20-7-20-7 minutes Zapper protocol to harmonize
    the Bioenergetic Field and the parasitic
    bioenergetic fields


Digital Ayurveda
The soothing power and ancient wisdom of digital Ayurveda. Mix and match, or choose one of two according to your personal Ayurvedic type!
Contains the programs:

  1. Kapha
    Harmonizes the Bioenergetic Field if Kapha is imbalanced
  2. Pitta
    Harmonizes the Bioenergetic Field if Pitta is imbalanced
  3. Vata
    Harmonizes the Bioenergetic Field if Vata is imbalanced


Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Local Stimulation

$ 29.00 plus tax / month

Designed for the relief of pain through local stimulation


Discount / Subscription Info
Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Only a good night’s sleep can make you feel healthy and well all day long. Our sleep program group supports the harmonization your Bioenergetic Field.

List of Healy Sleep Programs

  1. Sleep systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for optimizing the sleep phase
  2. Bed rest
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote a relaxed
  3. Balanced Sleep
    Bioenergetic harmonization of the sleep phase
  4. Fine flow
    Bioenergetic activation through supporting the flow in the body

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Mental Balance

$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Face your life balanced and full of confidence. Our Mental Balance program group is designed to support you in achieving just this.

List of Healy Mental Balance Programs

  1. Inner Strength systemic
    Energetic harmonization of self-confidence when you feel uncertain or insecure
  2. Emotional Well-being
    Energetic harmonization when you feel emotionally
  3. Feel good systemic
    Energetic activation of confidence when you feel down
  4. Contentment systemic
    Energetic harmonization of the inner sense of self and contentment
  5. Contentment acute
    Supports your sense of inner balance leading to an independent way of life
  6. Inner Unity
    Energetic harmonization of the sense of psychic
  7. Well-being Soul
    Energetic harmonization to support you while developing new habits
  8. Mental balance acute
    Supports positive thinking

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Bring out your top performance, or simply stay healthy and fit: Here is our Fitness program group to support you.

List of Healy Fitness Programs

  1. Weight
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for your body‘s
    energy balance (not a weight-loss program)
  2. Muscle Harmony
    Harmony Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of muscles
  3. Circulation
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for demands of exercise
  4. Performance
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field that supports your desire to excel
  5. Strength
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of strained muscles
  6. Stamina
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for optimization of the capacity for endurance
  7. Regeneration
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to stimulate vitality
  8. Deep relaxation
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to optimize the
    relaxation phase

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Stay relaxed, be proactive and efficient: work can be fun, after all with our Job program group.

List of all Healy Job Programs

  1. Activation 

Activation of the Bioenergetic Field

  1. Positive thoughts

Energetic orientation towards positive thoughts

  1. Balance Nerves

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote calmness

  1. Fatigue

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote energetic

  1. Exhaustion syst.

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for recreation

  1. Exhaustion acute

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to protect against various influences

  1. Extreme Stress

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for mental balance


Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Be it at school or university: Our Learning program group supports you to absorb knowledge faster and easier.

List of Healy Learning Programs

  1. Learning systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for learning activities
  2. Learning acute
    Specific harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for
  3. Memory
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for learning regardless
    of age
  4. Concentration systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for achievement
  5. Concentration acute
    Specific harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to
    enhance focusing
  6. Exam systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field during exam preparation
  7. Exam acute
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field before exams
  8. Stress systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for creative power
  9. Stress acute
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for stress situations

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Beauty comes from within. This program group is meant to bring it to the outside.

List of Beauty Programs 

  • Inner Beauty
    Harmonization of the coherence and expression of the Bioenergetic Field
  • Aging
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of expressions
  • Hair
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the hair
  • Skin Harmony
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the skin
  • Nail Harmony
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the nails
  • Skin energy
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for firm skin

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Your skin is your biggest organ, protecting you against the outside world. Our Skin program group supports you in harmonizing the Bioenergetic Field of your skin.

List of Healy Skin Programs

  1. Skin Harmony Local
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the skin cells
  2. Skin Harmony systemic
    Energetic balancing of the skin
  3. Skin Impurity systemic
    Harmonization of energetic impurities
  4. Scar Harmony systemic
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to balance interference fields
  5. Scar Harmony local
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of scar tissue

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 12.00 plus tax / month

Wellbeing for your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Bioenergetic Defense

$ 19.00 plus tax / month

List of Healy Bioenergetic defense programs

  • General Protection
    Energetic Shielding
  • Electrosensitivity
    Energetic harmonization of the tolerance for so-called “electrosmog”
  • Cell
    Energetic harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the cell
  • Mental
    Energetic harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the mind
  • Sleeping
    Energetic harmonization during sleep
  • Geopathy
    Harmonization of the energetic sensitivity to interference fields
  • Subtle
    Energetic harmonization of the sensitivity to interference fields.
  • Planets
    Harmonizing the influences of planets.

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Meridians 1 & 2

$ 42.50 plus tax / month

Stimulating the flow of life energy that connects everything. Let our Meridians program group support your wellbeing.

List of Healy Meridian 1 Programs

  1. Allergy Meridian
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the allergy meridian
  2. Connective Tissue
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the
    connective tissue meridian
  3. Bladder
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the bladder meridian
  4. Large intestine
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the large intestine meridian
  5. Small intestine
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the small intestine meridian
  6. Fatty degeneration
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the fatty degeneration meridian
  7. Gallbladder
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the gall bladder meridian
  8. Joints
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the joints meridian
  9. Skin
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the skin meridian
  10. Heart
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the heart
List of Healy Meridians 2 Programs
  1. Hormonal Balance
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the hormonal balance meridian
  2. Circulation
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the circulation meridian
  3. Liver
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the liver meridian
  4. Lungs
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the lungs meridian
  5. Lymphatic system
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the lymphatic system meridian
  6. Stomach
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the stomach meridian
  7. Spleen-pancreas
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the spleen-pancreas
  8. Nerve Meridian
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the nerve meridian
  9. Kidney
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the kidney meridian
  10. Organ Meridian
    Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the organ meridian

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.


$ 19.00 plus tax / month

Strengthen your seven ethereal energy centers with our Chakra program group.

  • Crown chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the crown chakra
  • Third eye chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the third eye chakra
  • Throat chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the throat chakra
  • Heart chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the heart chakra
  • Solar plexus chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the solar plexus chakra
  • Sacral chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the sacral chakra
  • Root chakra
    Harmonization of the energies of the root chakra

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Bioenergetic Harmony 1

$ 29.00 plus tax / month

Designed for holistic wellbeing – Our users’ most popular program group for bioenergetic harmony, part 1.

List of Healy Bioenergetic Harmony 1 Programs 

  • Defence

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the energetic defense system

  • Shiver

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the mucous membranes

  • Sensitivity

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field in case of overreactions
to irritants

  • Eyes Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the eyes

  • Hormon Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the body’s “messengers”.

  • Intestine Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the intestine

  • Nerve Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote relaxation

  • Flexibility

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to ease movement

  • Circulation

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the circulation

  • Potency

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the
reproductive organs

  • For Mature Women

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for the care of older women

  • For  Women

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the lower abdomen


Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Bioenergetic Harmony 2

$ 29.00 plus tax / month

Designed for holistic wellbeing – Our users’ most popular program group for bioenergetic harmony, part 2.

List of Healy Bioenergetic Harmony 2 Programs 

  • Gastrointestinal Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of digestion

  • Bacteria Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the energetic defense system

  • Tonsil Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the tonsils

  • Liver Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the liver

  • Food Imbalance

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for food consumption

  • Impurities

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field in case of impurities

  • Head Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to reduce tension

  • Prostate Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the prostate

  • Lung Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the lungs

  • Thyroid Gland Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the thyroid gland

  • Joints-Bones Harmony

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the joints and bones

  • Sciatica Nerve Harmony local

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the sciatic nerve


Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Healy Deep Cycle H Programs

$ 29.00 plus tax / month

The Deep Cycle is a holistic system for all levels of your being.

The harmonic frequencies contained in the Deep Cycle H programs are the result of 10 years of research and application by Jan Poleszynski in his practice. They include frequencies and harmonics that originate from nature, from our planet, from the sun as well as fundamental cosmic frequencies, frequencies that connect you to the earth and basic resonances of the atmosphere and surrounding planets. These frequencies are informational “highways” helping to bring you in harmony with yourself and with nature.

List of Healy Deep Cycle H Programs

  1. Sensitive
    Well suited for sensitive people, including those affected with electro sensitivity. If you are particularly sensitive to
    your environment, it is a good idea to run this program for a period of several days until you feel some relief. If you are new to frequency application, this would be a good program to start your journey. If you do not perceive any changes on the day after application, itis time to move on to the next program. Many users
    report that they sometimes feel the need to revert to the Sensitive program, and this may indeed be a good idea, specifically during periods of high physical stress
    that may be caused by traveling or by exposure to electromagnetic noise.

  2. Pure Energy
    The main part of the Pure Energy program is focused on balancing emotions, spiritual balance and supporting wellbeing.
  3. Energy Work The main purpose of the Energy Work program is to increase the energetic harmony. It is recommended to use it in the morning.
    Note: This program should not be used if you are under a lot of tension; you should feel a certain level of balance before using it.
  4. Breath of life
    There are energetic issues associated with lungs and their surrounding organs, including the breast, along with feelings related to weakness and occasional sad feelings.
  5. Clean All Appropriate for follow up after energetic purification as energetic support for all purification pathways. It is advisable to include this program in a sequence of applications, as any release on any level of the system often causes a need for purification. To release old blockages from the energetic body and mind
  6. Digest All Recommended for disharmonies in the Bioenergetic Field of the digestion that block further progress. For this program, the adhesive electrodes can be used. They should be placed at the level of the ankle on the front side of the foot (acupuncture point ST 42)

Discount / Subscription Info

Subscribe to additional program groups and modules of your choice with a discount of up to 20%.

1 program group or module = 0%
2 program groups or modules = 10%
3 program groups or modules = 15%
4 program groups or modules = 20%

Buy it here >> from the Canada Shop, USA Shop, Korea Shop, European ShopAsia Shop, Indian ShopAustralian and New Zealand Shop.

Healy Device Notice and Disclaimer

In Canada Healy is a medical device authorized for sale by Health Canada for the temporary relief of pain associated with sore and aching muscles in the shoulder, waist, back, neck, upper and lower extremities due to strain from exercise or normal household work activities and symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain and relief of pain associated with arthritis, neuralgia, myalgia and fibromyalgia.

Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) that have not been reviewed or approved by Health Canada. The IMF programs of the Healy are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or prevent a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state (or any of their associated symptoms), nor do they restore, modify or correct the body’s structure or functions.

The content on these pages is for information and educational purposes only. No health, medical or therapeutic information or advice is provided or intended to substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and/or advice of a healthcare professional. You should always seek such advice from a qualified healthcare professional. 

While Healy World endeavors to keep the information contained in these pages current, no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy, suitability or timeliness of information is made. Healy World is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the information provided on these pages. All information is presented on an “as is” basis and responsibility for its interpretation and use lies solely with the user.

Healy World does not endorse nor have responsibility for the content of any other websites linked to or from this website. 

Healy World, with the advice of its medical advisory board, allows its Members to only make claims that are contained in company materials meant for public distribution. 

Please contact the company concerning any claims about which you have questions.


Do not use Healy if you: 

– have a pacemaker or an implanted defibrillator, or have any metallic foreign objects in the area of application

– have an open wound or bleeding, a sensory disorder, or have had radiation therapy near the location of the electrodes

– have a fever, new scar tissue, a history of uncontrolled seizures, epilepsy

– are or may be pregnant

Healy and its applications are only suitable for adults over the age of 18.

If you are using Healy while taking medication, we recommend that you have the dose periodically checked by your doctor, especially if you are taking the

following medications:

– Blood thinners

– Antidiabetics

– Blood pressure lowering medication

– Hormones (especially thyroid hormones)

– Beta blockers